Formal Chalk Art Training
Chalk Art Introduction:
Can anyone be a chalk artist?
Even if you do not have a lot of talent, you can work effectively with chalk art. It is not how much you draw, but how well you draw what you draw. Some of the great chalk artists of the past had only three or four drawings they could perform, but as they mastered these drawings, God greatly used them. We are not trying to create Rembrandts; we are trying to help people reach the lost and encourage believers.
You need to rely on the Lord to become a chalk artist, regardless of your natural ability. Phase One, whether live or on the DVD starts at the very beginning and assumes you have no previous experience or training. Completion of Phase One will prepare you for our live Phase Two training.
When you attend Phase Two, you will be mentored with one-on-one training, and your abilities will greatly increase.
The best chalk artist is one who has a burden for the lost. I have learned that God does not tend to choose the most qualified people. He likes to qualify His own. In the Bible He used people like Moses, Jeremiah, Saul, David, and others. They were used by God because they knew they needed Him and could do nothing without Him. Furthermore, they knew that God was behind whatever good they produced.
Never forget that God is a jealous God Who will not give His glory to another (See Isaiah 42:8). The "little" people in the Bible were made great because they trusted in the Lord. God used them to do things they never would have seen themselves doing. They did not feel that they had the credentials, and in most causes they were right. God developed their lives when they completely yielded to Him. I hope you do the same. The results will have a great, eternal impact!
This is not to say that God will not use you if you were born with great talent. You, too, can become a great chalk artist, but your challenge is to remember Who gave you that talent. Don't become self-reliant and draw without dependence on God. Without Him, you can do nothing.
What our world needs is vessels that God can use. There are a lot of vessels, but not many are usable. God looks for clean, empty vessels that are not full of themselves. I am a firm believer that wen we give all of ourselves to God, He will do the most amazing things with us.
I dedicated myself to God fully when I was 17 years old. Ministry work is not what I would have picked for myself at the time, but God picked it for me. Since then, I can't believe where that choice has led me. I would have missed a lot of joy and rewards if I had not surrendered to Him. It amazes me that I am doing what I am today, but I have to say with songwriter Fanny Crosby, "Jesus led me all the way." My decision to start chalk art eventually led me to meet my future wife and develop this ministry.
--Matthew Bowman